Thursday, May 26, 2011

Journal #11: Myth

Connotative Value: This advertisement is definitely appealing to women by using a slender, attractive model and using the word "skinny" in the ad. Her red lipstick and oversized sun hat, along with her being in the spotlight, give her a glamorous feel, making women want to be like her and therefore fueling their desire for the product.

I think this is a myth because it appeals mostly to women, which seems to be saying that women are the only people who drink Diet Pepsi because they want to adjust their diets to help them lose weight. Diet Pepsi is not the only diet beverage to appeal to women, however. Most of the ads for diet drinks appeal to women because of the popular relation between females and diet fads. This is a myth that has been accepted into society since women are not the only sex to drink diet soft drinks. I have seen many guys drink Diet Coke, further proving that diet drinks are for anyone.

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